Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas 2010

I can't believe another Christmas has come and gone! We had a great time this year watching Macy experience all the wonder of Christmas (last year she slept through the majority of it being only 6 weeks old!) I know next year will bring more understanding and excitement!

A few of our Christmas decorations...

Macy's door wreath

Christmas Eve, we attended the Candlelight Service at the church with Josh's family. I was holding my breath to see if Macy could sit still long enough to stay in the service. She ended up doing pretty good! The only thing was she didn't understand when we passed the bread and the cup why she didn't get any! She immediately started signing "Eat! Eat!" A few marshmellows later, we made it through the whole thing!

We snapped a few pictures before we left

After the service, we all head to Josh's parents' for food and presents!

Family picture

Macy loved opening her presents!

Trying to get to her new fun toy Nana and Papa gave her

Uncle Jamy let Macy try on Micah's new rain boots

All the kids wore their Christmas PJ's from Nana, so of course we had to get a picture

Christmas morning, we had a great time watching Macy walk in and see her new toys. She got a slide, shopping cart and few other little toys.

And can I just say, what a difference a year makes!?!

Checking out one of her new toys

Pushing her shopping cart around

Checking out her slide

Christmas night, we headed to Palestine to celebrate with my great-grandmother on my dad's side. There are over 50 of us and it is always neat to catch up with everyone. My Mammaw will be 98 in January. It is a blessing to see her enjoying all the noise that comes from her large family! What a legacy!

When we got back to Tyler that night, we opened presents with my parents, brother, sister-in-law and nephews. By this point, Macy had it all figured out...

She was so sweet and sat in her highchair the whole time, even while Josh and I opened our presents.

The kids had their "big" gifts to open from Grammy and Pops, but we decided they needed to go to bed. We opened them the next day. Macy's was three times her size!

A wagon!

Macy and Cason decided to try it out

They laughed and giggled at each other the whole time

We are so blessed to be able to celebrate with our wonderful families and hope you had a great Christmas as well. We look forward to teaching Macy about the greatest Gift and the true reason for the season!