Friday, April 29, 2016

Kate Update

Our sweet KK continues to grow and change so much right now.  Her personality is still pretty laid back and compliant, but she has a touch of spunk in her that reminds us a little of Macy.  She's pretty tough and can get passionate about what she's playing with or doing.  She can also let you know if you take something away from her that she was not intending to share.  But if you just ask her to give what she's holding to someone, she will walk over and hand it over so sweetly.  She seems to be very fun-loving, just enjoys playing and being with her family.

She has definitely got the music in her!  Anytime she hears it, she bobs her head and it's typically in beat.  She will also get her whole body into it!  We've already gotten some pretty great video on this :-) She also loves to sing.

One of the neatest things lately has been watching her interact with Macy and Eden.  She toddles after them and tries to participate in what they are doing.  And they are so sweet about helping and including her.  She will find things on the floor that belong to one of them and immediately walk over and hand it over because she knows it's theirs.  She LOVES Macy's Piglet though and sometimes has a hard time handing it back to Macy when she asks for it ;-)

She's also a big fan of Lexi and has started saying "puppy" very clearly.  She gets so excited and giggles when she sees Lexi.  She also tries to hug her and pat her.  We've gotten some cute pictures of this as well.

One of her current talents is blowing her nose.  Josh taught her this a while back and now anytime she comes across a wipe or a napkin, she holds it up to her nose and blows.  It's pretty funny considering she's so tiny and it makes her look like a big girl!

She has been a healthy baby, but got diagnosed with her first ear infection yesterday.  She weighed 18 pounds which is quite a jump from the 15 at one year.  She's still very much a lover of food!

We are constantly amazed at what she comprehends and how she follows directions (another thing that reminds us of Macy at this age).  If you ask her to put dirty clothes in the hamper, she picks it up, walks it over to the hamper, and drops it in.  She always finishes a task by clapping for herself.  Closing doors is another thing she really enjoys right now and she will also clap for this.  She also knows where the trash cans are and will throw things away by herself.  This is another thing we clap for ;-)  If she finds things on the floor that are not toys (like candy wrappers her sisters seem to drop, or even Mommy's phone) she will automatically come and hand it to me.  She doesn't seem to put things in her mouth as much.

She has started going into the nursery without crying and they tell us she's always happy.  She has some sweet Sunday School teachers right now.

She's pretty clingy to Mommy and seems to have a little of Eden's shyness in her.  She wants Mommy to put her to bed at night, but Daddy can do it if Mommy stays out of the room.  Her night time quirk is to hold her baby Marie, have a paci in her mouth and an extra paci in her hand that she rubs against her eye lid.

Words she says fairly clearly are: Momma, Dada, uh-oh, puppy, hi, bye bye, t-too (thank you), "Cheeeesssee" (she's used to Mommy taking her picture), and hot (anytime I'm holding coffee, she points to it and says "-ot")

She is such a sweet baby and we are enjoying her so much!

1st ponytail
Church, April 17

I was taking pictures of her but she was holding her cup.  She finally walked over to the mud bench, sat the cup down, then walked back over and did this expression while saying "Cheeeesse"

The little sisters waiting for their big siblings at school pick up

My sweet Tuesday lunch date

We love emptying things

Mommy finally sits down to eat some lunch after all the littles are fed and I look down to see this baby bird begging...

Hanging with Mr. Francis

She loves climbing in and out of chairs and is pretty coordinated

Loving on Lexi

Crazy hair!

Coloring like the big girls

Macy labeled the picture she drew

She loves carrying around this little white purse that was mine when I was a little

She took my keys over to the lock on this cabinet

Another Piglet lover!

"Playing" with Caroline

Coloring with Macy

Her first picture

Love you to pieces, KK!

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