Thursday, January 18, 2018

Lucy is ONE!

I can't believe my baby girl is ONE today!  That first year is always a blur, but hers should did seem faster.  She has been the sweetest little addition to our family.  And I do mean LITTLE!  She is still so tiny and I just love it.  The big girls still can't get enough of her and prop her on their hips, carrying her through the house.  And if she even whimpers, one of them will run over to her and pick her up.

Lucy has been such a sweet, content baby.  I can remember a few rough nights early on, but since she started sleeping in her bed she rarely wakes up.  She is more of our early riser though and is usually up around 7:00, sometimes a little earlier and sometimes later.  Morning naps are usually hit or miss depending on what we are doing.  When the big girls are home doing school, she does usually get a good morning nap.  And then a good 3 hour afternoon nap.  She's ready for her night time bottle around 7:45 and calls it a night after that.

We just transitioned to whole milk this week and she has really taken to it well.  She doesn't seem to be a picky eater and will at least try anything.  I've been buying those Libby's vegetable cups and she will eat corn and green beans well.  Sometimes peas and carrots.  She's usually content with whatever she can pick up and feed herself.  She started fighting us about a month or 2 ago on eating with a spoon.  The girl wants finger foods!  She does pancakes, waffles, breakfast bars or oatmeal/fruit for breakfast.  We are big fans of Slim Chickens around here and she can do a kids meal grilled tender basket with apple sauce and down it all!  And she still loves turkey, chicken, bread, bananas, crackers, avocados, cheese, beans, etc.  I will make veggie burgers for lunch sometimes and she loved those too.  All this and no teeth!  I am still giving her a bottle before she goes to bed at night since she's so little :)

Her personality seems to be laid-back/content with a side of feistiness!  Every now and then you will see this little spunky streak come out.  One time Kate was trying to hold her bottle for her and she kept picking up Kate's hand and moving it off her bottle.  She just had this gleam in her eyes too.  She "talks" all the time and chases after the puppy trying to kiss her.  "Mmmmmm-uh".  She LOVES the puppy.  Anytime music is playing (or even if the big girls are singing) she will sway along.  And she will hunt them down wherever they are.  She is a super fast crawler!  She's starting to pull up on things and will walk behind her walker, but she's really not motivated to walk yet.  We still enjoy dropping things and saying "uh-oh".  When the girls were practicing for their Christmas program and they were singing "O Glorious Night (Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh...)", she thought they were saying "uh-oh" and she would just sing along with them.  She really is so happy and has the sweetest little giggle.  And super ticklish!

She's mastered several words now including "mama" and "dada".  Sometimes I will hear her call me from the other room.  She also is trying to say "thank you" and she tells the puppy to "get down" because she's heard us say that so often.  She says "duh" for dog and it's usually the first thing she says in the morning.  I will pick her up out of her bed and she starts looking for Lexi saying "Duh...mmmmmm-uh".  (Trying to kiss her).  She's learned how to hold one finger up and she still enjoys clapping, blowing kisses and waving bye.  We recently taught her to say "hi" and wave with her full hand.  She gets very proud when she does this.  She also continues to shake her head yes and no back and forth whenever you ask her question.  Usually she will respond "-eh" and shake her head yes but then she will start shaking it no.

Lucy Lavelle, you have been so much fun!  As hard as it is for Mommy to see the mark of another year, I am excited to see this personality continue to blossom and develop. And how you will interact with your sisters and find your role in our crazy, pink crew.  You really are the sweetest and I'm thankful you still let me cuddle and kiss on you.  Those cheeks are just irresistible! And those big, beautiful eyes....they are going to be hard to say "no" to!

You are a precious gift and we thank Him for your life.  Can't imagine our crew without you!

Mommy loves you.

She got mad at me here because I kept making her sit and she wanted to crawl

Practicing her "one"

On her actual birthday

Loving her new walker

And her new GooGoo baby

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