Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Day in the Life...

I got this idea from my friend, Shelly, who did "A Week in the Life" last week on her blog. I thought it was such a good idea and wish I would have done something like that those first few weeks with Macy (when everything is a blur!)

However, we are very boring and do pretty much the same thing from day to day, so I decided to just do a day in the life.

My day usually starts around 7:00 with Eden waking up to eat. Josh has been out of town a lot lately so he's usually leaving or already left when I get up with Eden. With Macy, we would go back to sleep for a little bit after her early feeding. Eden and I have done the same thing! I put her in her bouncy seat by the bed and we go back to sleep until Macy gets up around 8:00 or 8:30. Eden stays and sleeps in her seat while I go get Macy up and breakfast started. Macy likes to savor breakfast and she usually sits at the table until after 9:00. Sometimes she will stay there and color or do playdough after she's finished. I clean up from breakfast and try to either put things away or start some laundry, whatever needs to be done (that I didn't do the day before!) while Eden's sleeping and Macy's playing.

Eden usually starts stirring around 10:00 to eat again. Macy's favorite show right now is Super Why! (which just so happens to come on at 10) so she usually watches that while I feed Eden. If we have any errands to run or need to go somewhere, I try to do it all around lunchtime (11:00-1:00) so we can be back home for naps. Macy used to transfer really well from her carseat if she fell asleep in the car, but lately what happens is she gets a 15 minute power nap and fights her nap in her bed for over an hour before she will fall back asleep. She will just play and jump around in her crib! By the time she falls asleep and takes a good nap, it's 5:30 before she wakes up. Which throws off bedtime and...you get the picture! So after Eden eats, if we're going somewhere, we try to get ready real quick and leave the house around 11 or shortly after. We eat lunch around noon (our usual options are: eating with Nana at her new apartment, eating with my dad at my parents house, eating with the Gentry's, or eating at home (which we've done quite a bit lately) If Josh is in town, we definitely take advantage of time with him and will go pick him up from the office to go eat.

Eden eats again at 1:00 and Macy usually plays during this time so I can put both girls down for naps around the same time. Macy goes down around 1:15-1:30. I like to cuddle Eden for a little bit before I put her down. Most days, if Eden sleeps well for me, I have from 2:00-4:00 to sew, read, lay down myself, clean up a bit, etc. Eden eats again around 4:00 and Macy is usually starting to wake up when she's done eating around 4:30. I start dinner at this point. Eden either plays on her playmat or lays in her swing in her room since it's by the kitchen and I can hear her. Macy plays or watches a show (lately she's been asking for "Pooh Movie" during this time). Josh is home around 5:30-6:00 and we eat dinner. If we have any errands to run together we usually go right after dinner since Eden will eat again around 7 or 7:30. While I feed Eden, Josh gives Macy her bath and gets her ready for bed. Around 8, after Macy's bath, she watches Mickey Mouse then Mommy brushes her teeth and Daddy reads a Bible story. She's usually down around 8:30-8:45. Eden usually cat naps during this time then eats again at 10:30 before she goes down for the night.

Super interesting, I know!!

While I am a little type A and like my schedule, Eden is really good about going with the flow. We went to Dallas with Josh last Saturday (he actually had to work) and shopped at Northpark mall. She did great in the car and either rode in the stroller with Macy or I carried her in the Bjorn while we shopped.

And sweet Macy is ready for some playdates! We were getting out quite a bit before Eden came and I know she misses her friends (and getting out of the house for other reasons besides just going to Hobby Lobby real quick!) We tried Jumping Jacks a few weeks ago and I brought a bottle for Eden. There were so many kids in there though that I almost had a panic attack! I hated to leave Eden sitting in her seat by herself but I was scared to let Macy out of my sight! We are ready for some cooler weather so we can go to the park and burn off some energy :-)

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