Saturday, December 28, 2013

Christmas Morning

Their stockings overflowed this year into gift bags...

Eden got a Hug Me Elmo, Leap Pad, Anna gown and doll and slippers

Macy got a Jewel Sparkles doll, Leap Pad, Elsa gown and doll and slippers...
They also got Berenstain Bears movies to share

Eden woke up first and had to wait about 30 minutes for sister to wake up.  Our festivities that morning started around 9:30. The girls have been sleeping later due to later bedtimes...


Remembering our sweet Sadie

Mommy found a gown that looked similar to the ones I made for the girls...



Macy's stocking: Jewel figure, Elsa magic clip, cup, panties, Strawberry Shortcake movie, chapstick, pen, bandaids, Sofia stickers, socks and a travel pillowcase

Eden's stocking: Roo and Tigger figures, Anna magic clip, cup, Elmo panties (wishful thinking!), Elmo movie, Elmo stickers, bandaids, chapstick, pen, socks and a travel pillowcase

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! And even right after (or maybe even during?) having the flu, you look beautiful! :)
