Monday, December 31, 2012

Walker Christmas

My brother, sister-in-law and nephews came in Friday night, the 21st and we headed over first thing Saturday morning to see them and eat breakfast together.

Pops and Grammy had a big surprise for the grands and we were all pretty excited about giving it to them!  We decided to let them have their big gifts early so they could get some use out of them while Aaron and Kristyn were in town:)

Macy has been asking for a pink car all year.  There's a little girl who has one in our neighborhood and she comments on it all the time.

So, needless to say, she was pumped when she walked into the driveway!  I think it took a minute for it to click...

Eden rode like this with her arm propped up the whole time.  She seemed to be really enjoying herself in spite of Macy's swerving.  Thankfully, by the 2nd day, Macy pretty much figured it out and was able to stay away from the curbs!

She did this multiple times all weekend!  She would hug it and kiss it and smile so big:)

Telling Grammy thank you

Later that day, the kids were playing together in the play room.  Macy took a picture of Bryce..

And they loved playing Mario Kart on our old Nintendo 64

We had several other extended family events planned over the weekend, so we decided to go ahead and do our Christmas together Saturday night.  We bathed the kiddos and took a few pics before we opened gifts

Silly faces

My parents have always loved Christmas decorations and they have at least a dozen of these musical stuffed animals.  Eden loved them but was a little unsure of this skating bear...

Pops and Grammy with their grands...

Macy's tower of gifts... Oh my!

Eden was getting sleepy!

Christmas pj's!

Cooties game

Wooden puzzles

Hello Kitty house shoes

Bible songs DVD (Macy got The Tigger Movie)

We got rain boots for the boys

Bryce tried his on...

Eden loved this Princess ball from Uncle Aaron and Aunt Kristyn!

Minnie bingo from Uncle Aaron and Aunt Kris

After they finished opening all their gifts, we went ahead and laid them down so the adults could open our gifts in peace!

We rode again Sunday after church but this was pretty much the last time since the temperature kept dropping...

Sunday evening we celebrated with my mom's side: Great Nana, Uncle David, Aunt Danette and my cousins and spouses.
Helping Great Nana open her gifts...

After baths Sunday night, they were so excited about wearing their new slippers!

This is her "Get ready!" pose

We woke up Christmas morning and did our Christmas at home before heading back over to Pops and Grammy's.  Aunt Kristyn helped the kids decorate a gingerbread house...

They also got to open their stockings from Pops and Grammy...

Fruit snacks

Hello Kitty ornament

Tuesday evening we headed to Palestine for my dad's side Christmas and then Aaron and Kristyn headed home Wednesday morning.  This was one of the longest visits we've had with them and it was so much fun.  Just went by too fast!

Wednesday afternoon, Macy went and sat on her bed, moping, and said "I miss my cousins". :(  We all get spoiled having them here!

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