Thank goodness for hotel internet access! I couldn't wait to post pictures of our newest addition. We got the call this morning that my brother and sister-in-law were about to welcome their little boy. My nephew arrived around 3:00 this afternoon and we got to Graham around 6:00. He's precious!!
Bryce Aaron

Big brother, Cason, helping Bryce put his hat back on

Macy busied herself by emptying out Pop's pocket


Excited to see Bryce!

She did great all day, but got upset when we wouldn't let her hold Bryce! She's reaching for him here and Mommy is playing interference which hurt her feelings deeply! Macy is OBSESSED with baby dolls right now and that's exactly what she thought Bryce was. He was so still; I'm sure he looked just like her baby dolls at home (which she hugs, pats and kisses). She didn't understand why she wasn't allowed to touch!

We're thankful our new little man is here! Cousin #8 for Macy girl!