Wednesday, June 3, 2015

4 Months

June 1st marked 4 months for our little Kit-Kat and we are praising the Lord for another good report from Dr. Barret and for the joy this sweet girl is bringing to our family.

We are still on a very similar schedule: eating every 3 hours during the day and starting to back that last night-time feeding up to closer to 9:45 and laying her down around 10:00.  She's sleeping until 7:30-8:00 and still being swaddled, although some mornings she's busted out.  We are probably going to stop swaddling soon which hopefully won't affect her sleeping!  She's rolled back to tummy once or twice and tummy to back several times.  Definitely getting stronger and not staying right where you put her as much :-)  She loves laying on her playmate and she's still enjoying the MamaRoo we are borrowing.

Her schedule is also settling into two long naps: morning and afternoon.  If we are home, I lay her in her crib around 45 minutes after her morning feeding and she sleeps until her 11:00 feeding.  I remember Macy being this way as well; ready to go down for a nap shortly after waking up.  Then after her 1:30/2:00 feeding she sleeps until her 5:00 feeding.  She sleeps on her side mostly but rolls to tummy some.  She likes her paci to go to sleep but usually spits it out shortly after.  She cat-naps the rest of the day and also cat-naps if we are out and about in her carseat.

She is still a very laid-back, content baby.  There were a few times over the last month or so I thought she was starting to show signs of reflux like Eden had, but those symptoms have lessened.  Dr. B said she could just have a mild case if any.  I think more than anything she just has times when her tummy's a little upset and she's more fussy.  But for the most part, she is easy to please and happy.

She is so ticklish, especially around her neck, and even putting an outfit or bib on gets her cackling.  It's the cutest thing.

She LOVES bath time, to the point that she screams when we get her out of her tub.  We used to think she was just cold, but it's become more of an angry cry :)  I really think she would sit in that little tub as long as we would let her.  And she literally cries every time we take her out.

She has definitely discovered her feet over the last few weeks and they have become her new favorite source of entertainment.

She still holds her hands together all the time.  It's the sweetest, daintiest thing.

She's also cooing and trying to talk, especially to Macy.  She thinks Macy is the best thing ever!  Definitely lights up the most when she sees her.  (Although she's becoming quite the Mama's girl too which I'm not complaining about;)

At her well check Monday, she weighed 11 pounds 6 ounces (7th%) and was 24 inches (30th%).  In comparison, Macy was 11.1 and 23.75 in and Eden was 10.12 and 24.5 in.

We are still sporting size 1 diapers and 0-3 months or 3 month clothes.

It is amazing to me how quickly you forget what life was like before these little ones arrive.  All the doctor's appointments, tests, sonograms, blood work, (and fighting that anxious heart!) seem like forever ago.  We are overwhelmed with this sweet work of the Lord!

(I know the pictures are out of control…I'M out of control. I just can't help myself!  I still do not print pictures, just my blog book, so all pictures go on here.)

Eden took these...

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