Friday, April 29, 2016


Yesterday was a crazy day!  Eden had not slept well; she cried out every few minutes complaining about her ear.  It was a rough night and I knew she probably had an ear infection from all the drainage she had earlier in the week.  Poor Daddy had to wake up and leave at 5:00 for Dallas.  The rest of us got up and ready for school then dropped Macy off at 7:45.  I called the dr at 8:00 and got Eden and Kate appointments at 8:30 (Kate had been running a little fever).  Eden ended up having a right ear infection and Kate had a left one :-/

We came home to let Kate nap before we headed to Caldwell Auditorium for Eden's dance dress rehearsal at 11:00.  After this, we drove through the pharmacy to get their antibiotics and Chick-fil-A to get lunch.  We ran home so I could give them their medicine and grab a few things, then headed to Macy's field day.

We watched her until they finished around 2:00 then headed home.

Josh rolled in from Dallas a little after 6:00 and I left at 6:30 to meet my SS girls at the movie theater.  It was a crazy day!!

Macy was on the orange team.  I loved how they mixed the kids up from all different grades.  The big kids on her team were so sweet to look out for her and help her on the games.

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