Tuesday, October 2, 2012

15 months

Eden Joy turned 15 months on September 20th and had her dreaded shots and well check last Monday.  She got 4 shots (flu included) and was not a happy camper:(  I absolutely hate seeing the look on her face when the shots come.  Rips your heart out!  Thankfully, the tears only stay for a minute then she's begging to be put down so she can walk out the door like a big girl.

At 15 months, sweet Eden, you are:

  • 18 pounds 11 ounces: 3rd% (about a pound and a half heavier than sister at this point)
  • 29.5 inches: 22nd% (exactly the same as sister)
  • between size 2-3 shoes
  • just moved up to 4 diapers although they are still pretty big
  • loving food: favorites are turkey, chicken, yogurt, apple sauce, breakfast bars, pizza, sweet potatoes, mac and cheese, etc... You also love those fruit and veggie pouches and I still buy them for you and sister because it makes me feel like you are getting the good stuff mixed in with all our Chick-fil-A and pizza:)  You can down a whole kids meal by yourself and sometimes still eat some of Mommy's.
  • trying to say more words.  You attempt to repeat things we say but you still only say a handful of things clearly.  Mommy, Daddy, puppy, Papa, baby, and paci.  Although baby and paci sound awfully familiar!  We've heard you say other things like Piglet, Roo, shoe, and other family member names, but you don't do this often.
  • in love with your big Sis!  If Macy is still asleep when you wake up for your nap, I have to stay on top of you, because you will bust into her room to wake her up!  You do play well by yourself, but will sometimes follow after sister and try to do what she's doing.
  • not napping much in the morning.  We are just out and about so much you've pretty much dropped that morning nap.  Still around 3 hours in the afternoon though.
  • still quite the climber!  You have finally slowed down a bit on climbing Macy's table and chairs, but we still catch you up there every now and then.  You went through a phase where you would climb and stand on something, then scream for someone to come get you down.
  • still signing more, please and drink.  This has helped a lot with the screaming at meal time!
  • giving sweet hugs and kisses.  Even though you are more independent now, you are still my "clingy" child.  You will walk over to me at random times of the day and hold your arms up, or give a hug, then head back off to play.  I love how you like being close to Mommy and Daddy!
  • throwing your paci behind your bed so that Mommy has to pull it out every few days and wash all of them.  If we ever can't find a paci we know where to look.  You've become quite attached to that thing and I'm not sure what to do about it!  Macy never did.
  • trying to pray at meal time.  When we say it's time to pray, you immediately reach out for the hands of whoever is sitting beside you then watch Macy intently as she offers thanks.  When you are finished eating, you hand Mommy your plate and cup as opposed to throwing them on the ground like we were doing!
  • when I ask if you need a diaper change, you immediately look down and grab your diaper
  • still loving music and will dance at the drop of a hat!
  • helping Mommy clean up these days and will put your cup in the fridge by yourself (with a little help!)  This absolutely thrills you and you walk off gigglng:)
Precious baby girl!  You are just getting too big.  This is a fun phase watching you learn and process new things, but I will say it's one of the most challenging phases for Mommy!  You are everywhere child!  And into everything:)  You are starting to understand what "Do not touch" means but you have that same stubborn streak in you that sister did and it takes about 10 times before you finally give it up and walk away.

I'm so thankful for you Eden Joy!

I love looking back and seeing these little feet in the car...

You love carrying around bags!

This is one of those positions we found you in where you were screaming for help...

You love closing doors...


She does this face a lot..."No you didn't!?!"

Wearing sisters backpack...


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