Sunday, November 11, 2012

Macy's Approach to "A Gentle Answer..."

My brother and his family were in town this weekend for Macy's birthday party (post and pictures coming soon!).  Macy loves playing with cousins Cason and Bryce but every now and then we hear screams coming from the playroom and have to intervene.  They love each other but they can fight like brothers and sister!  (And poor little Eden is always on the outskirts trying to fight her way in!  Tough being the little guy!)  Well, we had a few instances of hitting (unfortunately mainly by Macy I believe!).  Macy and I had to run to the duplex to pick something up, so I decided to talk to her about it.  This was our conversation:

Mommy:  Macy, are you enjoying your cousins being here?
Macy: Yes!  I'm sharing my toys very well!
Mommy: That's great, Macy!  But you know what we need to work on a bit?  Not hitting our cousins or our friends, especially out of anger.  Even if someone else hits you first.  What does your verse say: "A gentle answer..."
Macy" "...turns away wrath."
Mommy: That's right!  So even if someone hits you first, you can respond with gentleness and walk away so the situation doesn't become worse. Do you understand?
Macy: Yes (long pause) When I hit Bryce, he needs to walk away.

WOW!  Just when I was getting prideful and thinking that these spiritual truths were really penetrating her sweet heart!  I couldn't help but laugh and in all seriousness, she's only acting out of the flesh!  Aren't we all that way! " It certainly can't be my fault so here's what needs to be done in this situation... "

But it's also so "macy-like"!  She just has an answer for everything and it cracks me up what she comes up with:-)

So, at least we've memorized the verse.  Now we can start on application!

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