Thursday, October 26, 2017

She Would be Four...

My precious Sadie-bug would have turned 4 today.  It's hard to believe.  We were at a birthday party a few weeks ago and I was talking to another mom who had read our story on my blog.  She told me that at the time she was almost due with their 3rd.  She pointed her out to me and I couldn't help but watch her that night thinking that what's Sadie would be like right now.  This little girl seemed so big!  It's hard to picture my 6 pound 4 ounce sweetie at 4.  Her day is definitely hard and we feel her loss heavy on those days and weeks leading up to it.  But I'm continually thankful for the grace and strength that He provides.  His comfort is supernatural.  His peace is perfect.  His grace is enough.  We praise Him for Sadie's life; for the 9 months that I carried her and for the few hours we studied each little part of her before letting go.  As my mommy brain struggles to remember little details on a day to day basis, I am thankful that He has allowed those memories of Sadie to resonate in my heart and mind.  I remember every moment.

Sadie-bug, I hurt for you.  You were precious and perfect and I wish I could've known you and watched you grow.  His ways are not our ways and I trust that His big plan for you was perfect and complete.  Until I see you again!!  Mommy loves you.

Your day also happened to be Donuts with Dad at school.

A rose for each year from my sweet Aunt and cousins...

And a sweet gift from your Nana...

1 comment:

  1. I thought of you on this day. I'm thankful you have those sweet memories of her. The roses and poem are so very sweet, too. 💗
