Thursday, February 1, 2018

Kate Amelya Turns Three

I look at her and I just can't believe it.  I still see this...

What a precious season that was when we welcomed Kate.  She will always be our stream in the desert.

3 years!?  It has definitely gone by fast but has been such a fun season of life for our family.  Kate just has something really special about her.  She's entering the toddlers and has definitely found her voice and testing her limits, but she still has a very compliant spirit about her and is super sensitive to what's going on around her.  She's very independent and verbal and, because of this, reminds us of Macy a lot of the time.  But she is also super sensitive and compassionate like Eden.  It's neat how she's basically been a blend of the 2 of them.

She has grown a lot this past year!  I look back at pictures from when Lucy was born and realize what a baby Kate still was.  She dropped her paci's shortly after Lucy arrived, potty-trained last summer, and moved to a big girl bed earlier this year.  That's a lot of big things!  And they all make me realize how quickly she left that baby stage and now acts more like Macy and Eden.

To her, those big sisters are where the action is and where she needs to be as well.  They always welcome her openly into whatever they are doing and it's really sweet to hear her say "Hey Macy!  Hey Eden!  Guess what?..."  She lives to make them laugh and attempts to often.  She still calls them the "big girls".  She's started taking showers with them which is highly efficient!

As a result of wanting to be like the big girls, she has a hard time laying down for naps now as opposed to how easily she used to.  She will and goes on to sleep for several hours, but the process of getting her to lay down has become more challenging.  She will typically try to hide in their room!  She's so high energy though (just like Macy!) and really does need that nap still.

She says things like "disgusting", "Oh my word!",  and "I tooted in my mouth!" (which means she burped).  It's awful, but it cracks us up.  She calls high heels "high shoes" and loves walking around the house in Mommy's.  Anytime I ask her to do something, she emphatically says "SURE!"

She's very intuitive about things.  If something's not working, she will ask me if the battery needs to be charged.  She will "work-out" with Mommy and can tell when we are almost finished by watching the "loading" bar at the bottom.  If I've told her we have 3 errands to run and we've only been to 2 places she will ask where the last place is going to be.  We've started learning a letter a week while the big girls are doing their school and she seems to enjoy this.  She also plays hangman with us and can actually participate now that she knows letters!  It's cute to watch her guess.

She's also very orderly about things and I will walk into a room and see where she tried to put something back where it belongs.  That's a full time job around this house so I'll take all the help I can get!

KK, you are my precious.  Lately you've been saying, "I'm your helper, Mommy." And you are so right!  Especially the days when the big girls are at school, you are right by my side.  You're so good with Lucy too!  I just can't get enough of you.  Love you to the moon and back!

The morning of her birthday
Josh was out of town so I had to take the big girls to school which meant we had to wake Kate up early.  The big girls were sweet and tried to make her feel special.

Back home, Lucy started showing off her climbing skills.

The birthday girl wanted macaroni and cheese for lunch so we headed to Panera.  She also got a birthday cookie.

I scheduled her 3 year well check on her actual birthday since she wouldn't be getting shots.  I always hate to take them on their birthday when they have to get shots!

Back home from picking the big girls up and playing outside.  Daddy also got home pretty soon after from Dallas.  Mommy was working on cleaning the car out and letting Daddy install Lucy's new big girl car seat while they entertained themselves with the box.

Big day for a big girl!

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