Thursday, July 4, 2013

Eden's 2 Year Stats

Eden Joy got a great report at her well check the other day!  She's a whopping 24 pounds (7th %) and 34 inches (50th %).  She got one shot and didn't even cry!  She is wearing most of Macy's 2T clothes from last summer but can still wear 18-24 month things as well.  She's also wearing Macy's size 4 or 5 shoes and somedays they just trade because they can basically wear the same size!  That could really come in handy...

She's really showing interest in potty-training but I just don't think we're ready.  ("We're" being "me" mainly!)  She will tell me that she needs to potty but doesn't really do much once we get there.  She just really enjoys the act of it; makes her like sister:)  However, she does tell me anytime she needs a diaper change and will say "SHOOO-WEEE, Eden dirty!" regardless of whether she's just wet or dirty. 

I really wish I could keep a camera on her all the time right now because she's hilarious!  Her little mannerisms along with how much her vocabulary has exploded has made this a really fun age for her.  Despite the occasional fits and discipline issues, she's a hoot!

Some of my favorites:
-she says "-mone Mommy" (come on mommy) when she wants you to follow her or get something for her that she can't reach
-she asks "What -appened" and "Why" all the time now
-when she's looking for something and finds it, she will say "-er it is!"
-she went through a phase about a month ago where all day she said, "I want daddy!"
-anytime she wakes up and doesn't see Josh, she says "Daddy at -ork, Mommy?"
-she can ask for her paci very persistantly: MY PACI!!! But we are only letting her have it now to sleep
-she learned the word "buddy" and says that her buddies are Jackson, Nathan and Garrett.  When we are around Nathan and Garrett and one of them cries, she is immediately at their side saying "eww ok, buddy??" She's very sympathetic when someone gets hurt. Or she tells me, "Jackson my buddy"
-she will whisper "I love you" and then yell it as loud as she can.  She also follows "I love you" with "Bye".  If you tell her you love her, she will say "Love you. Bye"

Eden loves carrying bags and playing with her baby dolls.  She will also play ball with Daddy.

Just like Macy, she loves music and her favorite song continues to be "Fishers of Men".  However, she's been requesting "-scribable" lately.  ("Indescribable" by Chris Tomlin)  She learns songs quickly like sister.  If we turn down the volume in the car, she will immediately begin saying "Can't -ear it, Mommy!"

It doesn't take much discipline to get her attention, and even at a look of correction she will put her lip out and bring her hands up over her eyes.  My, how different from sister!?!  :)

She is still such a little cuddler!  She's been waking up between 7-7:30 and we will put her in bed with us and she will be real still and snuggle right beside you.  I love how affectionate she is!

What a fun age, Eden Joy!  Can't believe my baby is 2!?  We love you, Tookie!!


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